“The Summer I Turned Pretty,” starring Lola Tung, Christopher Briney, and Gavin Caselengo, is ranked the #1 show on Amazon Prime. This TV series follows Belly, a 16-year-old girl who spends her summers at a beach house with two brothers, Conrad and Jeremiah, with whom she ends up in a love triangle.
This teen drama has pushed many people to team up based on which character Belly should choose at the show’s end. So, are Emerson students team Conrad or team Jeremiah?
“I’m team Conrad because I think Jeremiah just wants to be with Belly out of spite,” Sophomore Nafisa Mehre said. “On the other hand, Conrad seems very genuine in his interest towards Belly.”
Freshman Emaya Welch feels that Conrad needs to be kinder to Belly.
“I’m team Jeremiah because he treats Belly better,” Welch said. “Jeremiah is always there for her, even if it’s just as a friend.”
Although Belly is the main protagonist in this series, many Emerson students have disapproved of her actions.
“At first, I didn’t really think much of Belly, but as the show went on, I grew a bit of dislike towards her because of how problematic she is,” Mehre said. “Belly is creating a feud between two brothers, especially after their mom just died, and the brothers’ relationship is now ruined.”
This series portrays the mental struggles the characters went through when Susannah, the brothers’ mom, passed away due to cancer.
“When Conrad gets mad, he just shuts down; I think his mom’s death took a toll on him,” Welch said. “I think he has too much built up to be in a relationship right now.”
Students also believe that Belly should not be in a relationship.
“I don’t think Belly should be with any of the brothers at this point because she only goes to Jeremiah when something bad happens between her and Conrad,” Freshman Madison Payne said. “She’s with Jeremiah for the wrong reasons.”
Although students are divided in their dislike towards the main characters, many can agree on their fondness of the side characters.
“My favorite character is definitely Taylor because she’s ‘that girl,’” Freshman Jazmine Moore said. “She knows how to handle herself and how to help and support Belly.”
Other students have expressed their love for a character Belly dated for a short period in season 1, joking that they’re team Cam Cameron instead.
“Cam Camron is my favorite character because he’s so nice and sweet,” Mehre said. He’s such a sunshine character.”
Regardless of what team students pick, all students who watch the episodes have conveyed their love for this show.