Juniors prepare for the digital SAT taking place at Emerson High School on March 6, 2024. Frisco ISD provides one free registered test to the eleventh graders for students to be familiar with the process of college applications.

There are shorter reading passages and quicker math sections where the calculator is applicable for all questions. The test has no make up date, leading high schoolers to find various approaches to their studying habits before the date of their test arrives. The school provides digital SAT prep and free customized SAT practice to high school students through Emerson’s newsletter and college board itself to assist with the change. Students of Emerson High adjust to the transition from the SAT being digitally formatted rather than on paper.
“Go a more self paced route than something that is crafted for you or just crafted in general. It could help some people, but a more self paced route can help you advance overall,” said senior Meghana Battina.
Seniors have a different perspective towards the concept of the SAT being adapted to the digital world, but are also interested in the process of it transitioning for future students. During the preparation for the standardized test, juniors continue to study in a variety of ways.
“I started doing Khan Academy but it was hard to stay disciplined. I do KD workshops every weekend and take lots of practice tests to prepare,” said junior Tanisi Kumar. “In order to exceed, you have to know the skill.”
Students convey the importance of understanding concepts before working on their timing in regards to the score they want to achieve. This test is beneficial to certain colleges as the process of being selected and admitted can be heavily influenced by the SAT. If students do not prefer the SAT in their future, there are other options available to them such as the test optional pathway, their GPA, and the ACT, scored on a range from 1 to 36, that can assist their applications.