Teachers deserve our utmost appreciation. Every day they put their energy into nurture and help grow students’ young minds. The best teachers make their students feel seen, heard, and supported. They create safe environments where it’s okay to not understand, make mistakes, and learn from them. Teachers inspire resilience, perseverance, and teamwork.
Students and teachers both feel bittersweet as the last few weeks of school start approaching. In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, The Charge wants to recognize teachers across the school, including chemistry teacher Jona Gilbert. Teachers like Gilbert have invested so much time and energy and so much of themselves into nurturing their students’ growth over the past months. There is pride in the accomplishments achieved.

“I am going to miss all of my students over this summer break. We have had such a good time throughout this school year, yes we have had our ups and downs but, I will surely miss them and their sweet faces,” Gilbert said.
Gilbert loves and appreciates her students and wants to continue to see all of the smiling faces, hearing all of the laughs and is ready to welcome her curious students back the following year.
Teachers have a tough but important job when it comes to handling fights that happen in their classroom. Teachers are masters at diffusing tense situations with patience and wisdom. The best teachers create an environment of mutual respect from day one. They model kindness and teach conflict resolution skills.
“I think that students overwhelm me when they’re either not doing what they are asked to do, or not listening, or kind of talking over me.” Gilbert said .
From sunup to sundown teachers are always on the go. Lesson planning, grading, meetings and emails. The workload never stops. It’s exhausting trying to get it all done. With overcrowded classrooms and limited resources, it’s a real struggle to give each and every student the attention that they deserve. The pressure is immense. Teachers must cover curriculum, maintain classroom management, and support the students emotional needs, often with little to no assistance. The responsibilities can feel suffocating at times.
“For the next school year I plan on trying to manage my classroom better. I think having more of a routine and structure at the beginning of the year, that kids have better expectations. They can learn better and easier.” Gilbert said.
From guiding classroom discoveries to mentoring through life’s challenges, teachers give their all. Their patience, creativity, and nurturing wisdom help mold the leaders of tomorrow. We must cherish these educational heroes for their tireless efforts to bring out the best in every student. They empower minds while enriching souls, something that changes lives for the better.