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The Student News Site of Emerson High School

The Charge

The Charge

The Student News Site of Emerson High School

The Charge


Emerson choir students outside of Heritage High School before their district auditions.

Emerson Choir leaves All-State with 18 advancing students

Olivia Northcutt, Guest Contributor
October 15, 2024

Emerson Choir students attended the All-State District Auditions at Heritage High School on Sept. 10, leaving with 18 advancing students.  After months of practice and preparation, 18 members of Emerson...

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The Philharmonic orchestra starts off their performance with their first piece “Ray of Joy.”

The Emerson Orchestra performs their first concert of the school year

Sahasra Elaprolu, Editor-in-Cheif
October 8, 2024

On Tuesday, Oct. 1, the orchestra held their first concert of the year, their fall concert. Each of the four orchestras, Symphonia, Philharmonic, Symphonic and Chamber, played dynamic and interesting pieces...

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John Pacheco, 11, helps a young Maverick choose her prize at the soccer booth.

Football, friends and fun: Community pep rally recap

Sahasra Elaprolu
September 27, 2024

On Thursday, Sept. 26, past, present and future Maverick families and friends came together for the fourth annual community pep rally, an evening of food, games and football. A performance from the band...

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To prepare for homecoming, Leadership begins setting up decorations around school for the dance.

Maverick anticipation for this year’s “Echoes of Atlantis” homecoming dance

Julianna Sweatman, Staff Writer
September 25, 2024

With the homecoming dance coming up on Sept. 28, Emerson Mavericks prepare for a night of fun with their friends. From attire to dinner to after parties, students have a lot of decisions to make and lots...

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Christian Lyons, 12; Kelton Wafer, 12;  Nate Leal, 12; and Agape Lawrence, 12 hype up the crowd in anticipation for the Aug. 29 game against McKinney.

First pep rally launches fall sports and names Make-a-Wish awards

Ardyn Lessner
August 29, 2024

Maverick Leadership hosted the very first pep rally of the school year on Aug. 22, featuring performances from the Majestics, band, color guard, cheerleaders, and band. Flag runners welcomed the football,...

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Row 1: Cameryn Allen, 11; Julianna Sweatman 11; Yena Nam 11
Row 2: Christon Lyons, 12; Ardyn Lessner, 10; Sahasra Elaprolu, 12; Sara Sabir, 12; Jade Bontron, 10

Charging into 2024-2025: Greetings from the new Editor-in-Chief

Sahasra Elaprolu, Editor-In-Chief
August 28, 2024

Dear Mavericks, After a short-lived summer break, we are back again for another year! As one chapter closes, another opens. Last May, we said goodbye to our friends, siblings, students, and mentors...

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Erin Livingston

Farewell to another year: Reflections from the Editor-in-Chief

Chloe Ro, Editor-in-Chief
May 17, 2024

Dear Readers, As we bid farewell to another year of high school, and for some of us our final year, it is with a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation that I reflect on the journey we have embarked...

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Mavericks unite: Colorful weekend raises $14K for Make-A-Wish

Eshaan Shaik and Isabelle Smith
May 13, 2024

On May 4, Mavericks concluded Wish Week by participating in the Make-A-Wish Color Run, which was preceded by the Powder Puff Football Game on May 3. Both events were a fundraiser for Zaki, Emerson's Make-A-Wish...

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The debate team poses for one final group photo

Celebrating debate excellence: Highlights from the last banquet

Sara Sabir, Staff Writer
May 2, 2024

Maverick Speech and Debate held a banquet on April 19 in the cafeteria to recognize the members’ achievements throughout the season. During the banquet members were inducted into the National Speech...

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ISM 1 student Parnita Avala shares her original work surrounding Visual Journalism in the gallery walk portion of the ISM Final presentation night. “The final presentation night was so stressful but also amazing, I loved talking to others about my passion,” Avala said.

Final Showcase ends off the year for Maverick ISM

Mehr Hameed, Staff Writer
May 1, 2024

On Thursday, April 25, Emerson’s Independent Study and Mentorship (ISM) class hosted their final presentation night. This event is a culmination of the hard work and dedication of all the students in...

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The eclipse reaching totality around 1:42 pm.

An astronomical anomaly: The solar eclipse

Eshaan Shaik, Staff Writer
April 11, 2024

On April 8, everyone experienced an astronomical anomaly only seen every one to three years - a solar eclipse. Although solar eclipses aren’t anything new, it’s extremely rare to have one in the United...

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Major the Maverick was captured wearing the prom tiara during the Senior Pep Rally.

Prom proposals and pep rally kick off Senior Week festivities

Sara Sabir, Staff Writer
March 27, 2024

As the class of 2024 prepares for the end of their final year at Emerson, many events are lined up to celebrate them. One of these events is Senior Week, a week dedicated to the enjoyment and success of...

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